Olisferrol® (Organic)
Olisferrol® Intravenouse
International Pathology Laboratory® [INTERLAB]
xGMP Regulatory Compliance worldwide.
Founded simulteneously in El Paso, Texas and Abuja, Nigeria in 2009, we work to alleviate poverty through wellness. We trade as the following subsidiaries:
American Journal of Biological Defense® Established in San Diego CA in 1998, and incorporated in Washington DC in 2009. We publish a periodic peer review academic journal, a health security manual and BAI surveillance- geo-spatial generative artificial intelligence for health security.
International Pathology Laboratories® Established in Nigeria in 1977. We manufacture, consult, and create logistics platforms that oversee quality audits to mitigate/enhance high-complexity/volume multiplex-testing while navigating invitro-diagnostic (IVD) and xGMP biopharmaceutical regulations to deliver compliance for clients.
El-Paso Sub-Saharan Africa Union™ (ESAU) Chamber of Commerce. Established in El Paso Texas in 2021. Endowed with 1.3 Billion USD (2024), ESAU promotes US-Africa Union trade in industrial workplace safety, heavy metals mining, medical devices and biopharmaceutical business interests by influencing trade negotiations and implementing robust financial controls to increase transparency, reduce risk, and optimize resource allocation for international trade.
xGMP Regulatory Compliance worldwide.